Mountain in the Wilderness – (End of Part I)

I want to be the only man on Earth, atop a mountain in the wilderness.

I want to retreat to the most faraway place and climb to the peak of the tallest mountain. I want to build a little cabin there, my own little cave in the mountain. I want to stare across the horizon and not see a single man nor woman. I want to admire the sunrise, bask in the glare of noon, stare upon the sunset, and dance below the moonlight. All atop my mountain in the wilderness.

I want to live my life as my own. There is no destiny before me, only my will. My free-will by the light of reason, and by my freedom from heteronomy. No trespasser shall trespass upon my property! No intruder shall intrude into my domain! No invader shall invade my lands! This is my little world, and I am the only one here. None else may enter. For I am the only man on Earth, atop my mountain in the wilderness.

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